YOUR FREUND EMILY | there's no place like home...


"she loves the smell of coffee, bloomed roses, and new beginnings."

- sonia azalia




That word carries a lot of weight. I mean that both literally and figuratively. There's the obvious weight of everything you own crammed into flimsy cardboard boxes. There's the weight of carrying that massive couch you HAD TO HAVE down two flights of stairs. And then there's the weight of goodbye.

I've never been good at goodbyes. Goodbye signals the end and endings are scary. As I pull the door down on the moving truck, I look at our apartment one last time. As I drive down the highway, I look at the cityscape we called home, one last time. I can't help the dull heartache growing in my chest and the knot caught in my throat.

But then I look forward towards our next adventure. Endings are scary, but also beautiful because they mean new beginnings

This will be the third time Michael and I have moved. But this one is different because we're coming back home. I didn't imagine myself moving back here. I mean, I couldn't wait to leave when the opportunity arose. But time passes and things change. Oh, how things change.

As we greet this new start with open arms, I feel elated knowing I will be able to hug and kiss my niece and nephew anytime I want. I feel comfort knowing mom and dad will be just down the road. And I smile knowing that the greatest support system in the world will be back in my corner of the world. 

We have big things in the works and have been blessed with life changing opportunities. Stay tuned. We can't wait to share what we have up our sleeve.



"It's not goodbye, it's see you later."



Emily Freund